UNESCO Geoparks

The establishment of a Geopark aims to bring sustainability and real economic benefit to the local populations, usually through the development of sustainable tourism and other economic and cultural activities
The establishment of a Geopark aims to bring sustainability and real economic benefit to the local populations, usually through the development of sustainable tourism and other economic and cultural activities

The Bureau of the Global Geopark Network, meeting from 16 to 18 September in Norway’s Gea Norwegica Geopark on the occasion of the 10th European Geoparks Conference, will examine applications from 16 sites wishing to join the Global Network.

The candidates include: Carnic Alps (Austria), Bodoquena-Pantanal (Brazil), Quadrilatero Ferrifero (Brazil), Hong Kong park (China), Tianzhushan (China), the parks of Bauges (France), Chablais park (France), Katla (Iceland), Batur (Indonesia), Pacitan (Indonesia), Aras (Iran), Burren and Cliffs of Moher (Ireland), Alpi Apuane (Italy), Muroto (Japan), Sierra Norte di Sevilla Geopark (Spain), Villuercas Ibores Jara (Spain).

Further information is available on UNESCO’s Geopark webpage.