SQU tourism students gather experience in Germany

SQU tourism students gather experience in Germany

Five students from the Tourism Department of the College of Arts and Social Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University are currently undergoing summer training with INTEWO in the Teutoburger Forest Nature Park, Germany.

In the frame of an official cooperation between Oman and German governmental and non-governmental organizations, the summer training has been offered for the fourth year in a row.

The training in one of Germany’s most beautiful Nature Parks will last for six weeks. Next to a language course at the University of Paderborn, focusing on tourism related issues; the students will be trained in environmentally friendly tourism practices, destination management, nature conservation and the promotion and concept of UNESCO World Heritage. To undergo training in Germany, a key source of tourists visiting Oman, is a precious experience for the student’s professional future in the tourism sector.

The training program receives financial support from SQU, as well as intellectual, financial and logistic support from INTEWO (Germany), Gulf Jewels Tours (Oman) and the Nature Park Administration. The cooperation between Oman and Germany is a vital contribution towards the rapprochement of cultures and the exchange of knowledge. Henning Schwarze, Managing Partner INTEWO, and Khalid Al Tobi, CEO Gulf Jewels Tours, takes the lead with this important international program.

Along with the tasks of the training, the five students from Oman will also participate in cultural events. E.g. they received an invitation from INTEWO to attend a football match with the Bundesliga team SC Paderborn 07.

INTEWO | World Habitat Society GmbH, headquarted in Germany, has operations in Oman and Ethiopia providing environmental services and sustainable tourism solutions. Gulf Jewels Tours is an Omani destination management company, specialized in Geotourism.

Virtual Museum of Geology

Virtual Museum of Geology
Friedel Heuwinkel (Chief of the Lippe District), Khalid Al Tobi (ESC), H.E. Maitha Al Mahruqiyah (MoT) and Henning Schwarze (INTEWO) at the ceremony in Berlin

During the ITB Tourism Trade Show in Berlin H.E. Maitha Bint Saif Al Mahruqiyah, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Tourism, inaugurate the “Virtual Museum of Geology in Oman” (VMO). The launch of the VMO homepage marks the starting point for a new project to exhibit the unique geological heritage in the Sultanate of Oman.

With the support of 360° panorama pictures, galleries and videos, visitors can explore geological attractions throughout the country. In this initial stage the museum features the Duqum Stone Park, the ophiolite rocks in the heart of Muscat, ripple marks and other fascinating locations.

The geological heritage of Oman provides for a wealth of knowledge that will be valuable in understanding geological phenomena. Oman is considered as a hot spot among international geologists and is considered an “open book” of geological and geomorphologic education. The VMO is a joint project in the frame of the German-Oman cooperation “Tourism and Education for Sustainable Development”, which, among other things, is focusing on the promotion of the geological heritage and Geotourism activities in Oman.

The museum has been developed by INTEWO, Germany, and Earth Secrets Oman, in cooperation with the Media Agency RLS Jakobsmeyer.

The project has been awarded with the FORD Middle East Environmental Grant in 2011, a conservation program with support from UNESCO.

Following this initial launch the VMO will be regularly extended with new locations and attractions. In the future other themes like tourism, culture and history will be implemented, leading towards a comprehensive virtual museum for Oman. The Ministry of Tourism is looking forward to enrich Oman’s tourism marketing through the virtual museum concept.

Visit the museum: www.oman-museum.com

DVD premiere at ITB

The DVD „Sultanate of Oman – A Land of Variety“ will be presented during the ITB Travel Trade Show in Berlin

INTEWO | World Habitat Society GmbH produced a DVD with documentaries about the Sultanate of Oman. The first movie features the rich cultural and natural heritage in Oman.

Experience the Arabian jewel from “a Thousand and One Nights”, with dreamlike landscapes and time honoured traditions charmingly interwoven with a contemporary lifestyle. Shaped by desert and ocean, the Sultanate has many natural and cultural treasures to discover. Just a step away from the well cared for modern city streets, the tantalising smell of incense will lead you into an exotic world of colour and bustling sound little changed in hundreds of years; where market stall vendors renowned for their friendliness and hospitality sell handcrafts and artworks.

The second movie looks into Oman’s great geological diversity. A geologist once said that Oman is one big wonderful outdoor geological Museum with unique geological values. It is the only country in the world composed mostly of oceanic crust and rocks that originated from the mantle – deep below the earth’s surface. In addition, evidence can be seen of continental drift and geological processes that have dominated the earth’s surface for many millions of years.

The DVD has been produced in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe (HS-OWL) and Medienwerk e.V. The two authors, Tamas Hodik and Manuel Pater visited Oman twice, accompanied by geologists and tourism professionals, and collected memorable pictures.

The DVD will be presented on the 8th of March 2012 during the ITB Travel Trade Show in Berlin. Visitors are welcomed to attend the premiere at the booth of Gulf Jewels Tours (Hall22B/200).