Erlesene Natur web application

Erlesene Natur web application
// Next to smartphones the new application is also supporting tablet computer //

INTEWO has developed an innovative HTML5 based web application for the project “Erlesene Natur” in the Höxter district. It is the advantage of the web application, that it is running on all major smartphone operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry. The application is providing detailed information about the project itself, as well as about the different protected areas and Points of Interest in the district. The kind of information includes GPS navigation and maps, videos, image galleries, audio files and text. One can access the application with opening this domain on the smartphone’s browser:

Externsteine Nature Trail

Nathalie Keurmeur and Dr. Ulrich Hermanns (»Ausstellung Medien Transfer«), Stephan Radeck (Lippe Association), Elmar Brok (MdEP), Minister Ute Schäfer, Ute Koczy (MdB), Henning Schwarze (INTEWO) and the Chief of the Lippe Association Anke Peithmann during the opening ceremony (from left).

Interactive nature trails – INTEWO | World Habitat Society GmbH developed an innovative concept to provide environmental education at the Externsteine rock formation.

Visitors to the Externsteine monument can now experience the diverse nature and culture at the famous rock formation in the Teutoburger Forest with support of “invisible” nature trails. Smartphones and tablet computer provide guidance with the global satellite navigation system (GPS). Within the nature reserve the applications hosts multimedia information (e.g. movies, podcast, galleries, animations) for more than 20 points of interest.

Applications are available for iPhone and iPad, as well as for Android smartphones. In preparation to their visit to the monument visitors can download the applications for free to their personal devices and they will benefit from a personal multimedia guide. In addition tourists can rent iPads and outdoor smart phone devices at the Externsteine Information Center.

The application is available in English, German, French and Dutch. Special editions for children and “experts” complete the innovative offer.

The project, which has been implemented for the National Association Lippe has been funded by the European Union and received support from relevant local partners.

Visionary tourist information

"touristinfo2go" - an innovative concept to provide tourist information

INTEWO | World Habitat Society GmbH has developed a new, innovative tourist information system for the project “Exquisite Nature” in the Hoexter district, Germany.

At so-called “Gates into the region” a wealth of information about the European natural heritage in the Hoexter district will be provided. Made of solid wood and equipped with high quality printed information elements (nature photography, maps) the new information desk installations are real eye-catchers at their respective locations, e.g. being an integral part of existing tourist information centers.

The central element of the information desk is an embedded iPad, hosting an exclusive application for the „Exquisite Nature“, providing a range of multimedia information. In addition to texts, news, events and galleries, in particular videos, audio stories and interactive maps are providing an innovative multimedia experience and offer impressive insights into the project. The self-explanatory handling of the iPad provides easy access to information for the visitors. Integrated sound showers ensure the audio experience.

Further more, tourists and visitors to the “Exquisite Nature” can download an application for personal iPads or iPhones for free. This can be done at home in preparation to a visit or with the use of QR-Codes being at a one of the information desks, which provide a free WiFi network. This enables tourists to have their “personal guide” and access to information, wherever and whenever needed. The application, with support of the GPS system, is providing orientation on detailed maps and offers multimedia location-based-services, for the various nature reserves and attractions. The comprehensive range of digital information is stored offline in the application, to avoid additional costs from tariff rates and poor 3G networks in remote areas.

The modern and technologically advanced tourist portal, a combination of traditional and innovative information sources, enhances the professional capability, visibility and service. Barrier free, multi touch experience, live information and multimedia data are all integrated aspects of this visionary concept. Finally this will enhance the visitor experience, and at the same time boost young and old people’s enthusiasm for understanding their surroundings in a way that is both fun and instructive. “Gates into the region” have been installed at seven locations within the “Exquisite Nature” region.